Thursday, 10 March 2011

Bleak Hill Lane

Trailer Ideas:
The most difficult ideas we had were firstly trying to get the flash back looking like an old memory, so we had to razor blade alot of the scenes to have the quick jump effect, we then had to edit the colour of the scenes to make them black and white. In the first edit of our finished trailer we felt that the change in colour to the flash back helped alot but it still didnt look old enough so we edited the contrast so it had a fuzzy distorted effect to the scene.

Our moment of disequalibrium had alot of cuts to it, so many infact that it seemed very fast and we realised that we had maybe made them too quick so we decided to slow each scene down by about 70-80 this deffiantly gave the section a slower pace but not too slow that it lost the effect of a quick, heart racing trailer.

The one scene with the teddy bear dropping took quite a few takes as we had to constantly film from different angles. When putting the trailer together, with that scene we choose the take with the teddy hitting the floor and slowed it down to atleast 50-60 this we felt pushed the idea that this teddy dropping has disturbed something and was the main idea in our film.

Bleak Hill Lane trailer

This is our first draft of our trailer that we created that was finished. We have edited some sections of the trailer to make them better.
We changed one of the tone cards, Took out a scene so the music flowed bettwe and added sound to the begining studio logos and then end of our credit block. We felt these small tweeks created a more professional and sophisticated film trailer.