Wednesday, 19 January 2011

Production Schedule:

Scene: Woods
Involved and Roles: Hayley-Camera, Fiona- Continuity, Charlotte- Acting, Faye- Acting and Erica- Acting
Where: Bostal Woods, outside of house and Bleak Hill Lane.
When: TBA

Scene: Cupboard.
Involved and roles: Fiona- Camera, Hayley- Continuity, Charlotte- Acting, Faye- Acting and Erica- Acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, bedroom.
When: TBA

Scene: Music box
Involved and roles: Hayley- Camera, Fiona- continuity, Charlotte- Acting, Faye,- acting and Erica- acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, Living room.
When: TBA

Scene: Reaction shots
Involved and roles: Fiona- camera, Hayley- continuity, Charlotte- acting, Faye- acting and Erica- acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, anywhere.
When: TBA

Scene: Flashback
Involved and roles: Charlotte- Camera, Fiona- continuity/actor, Hayley- director/actor and Constance- Acting.
Where: Parkdale road, bedroom, playground, graveyard.
When: TBA
Scene: Crawling up the stairs
Involved and role: Charlotte- camera, Fiona- director, Hayley- continuity and Constance- Acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, stairs.
When: TBA

Scene: Girl in the corner
Involved and role: Charlotte- camera, Fiona- continuity, Hayley- director and Constance- acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, bedroom
When: TBA
Scene: Crawling from under bed
Involved and role: Charlotte- camera, Fiona- directing, Hayley- continuity and Constance- acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, bedroom
When: TBA

Scene: Girl under door
Involved and role: Charlotte- filming, Fiona- directing, Hayley- continuity, Erica- acting and Constance- acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, bedroom
When: TBA
Scene: Mirror bussing
Involved and role: Charlotte- camera, Fiona- continuity, Hayley- director, Erica- acting and Constance- acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, living room
When: TBA

Scene: Appearing and disappearing
Involved and role: Charlotte- Camera, Fiona- director, Hayley- continuity and Constance- acting.
Where: Parkdale Road, upstairs corridor.
When: TBA

*Scene: Exploring room
Involved and Roles: Charlotte- Acting, Fiona- Camera, Hayley- continuity
Where: Parkdale Road , bedroom
When: Saturday 29th Jan

*Scene: Rattling tea set
Involved and role: Fiona- camera, Hayley- directing, Charlotte- continuity.
Where: Parkdale Road, bedroom
When: Saturday 29th Jan

*Scene: Dolls head moved
Involved and roles: Hayley- camera, Fiona- continuity, Charlotte- director
Where: Parkdale Road, bedroom
When: Saturday 29th Jan

*Scene: Dolls/teddies being hung
Involved and roles: Fiona- camera, Hayley- continuity, Charlotte- director
Where: Parkdale Road, bedroom
When: Saturday 29th Jan

Scene: Dragged under bed
Involved and Roles: Hayley- camera, Fiona- director, Charlotte- continuity and Faye- acting
Where: Parkdale Road, bedroom
When: TBA
*Scene: Blood
Involved and roles: Hayley- camera, Fiona- director, Charlotte- continuity
Where: Parkdale Road, anywhere
When Saturday 29th Jan

Scene: Burnt Bear
Involved and Roles: Hayley- camera, Fiona- director, Charlotte- continuity
Where: Parkdale Road, Living room
When: TBA

*Scene: Dripping tap
Involved and roles: Hayley- camera, Fiona- director, Charlotte- continuity
Where: Parkdale Road, bathroom
When: Saturday 29th Jan

Red- All members involved (aside from Constance)
Bold- Filmed in bedroom
Blue- Involving Constance 
* - Scenes to be filmed Saturday 29th Jan

Trailer Timeline:

Period of equilibrium:
Drive with friends into woods
Gets our of the car,messes around whilst drinking
Car doesn't start
Finds house
Explores house

Moment of disequilibrium:
Girl under door and Flash back with teddy

Period of disequilibrium:
Mirror Bussing
Music Box- established
Appearing and disappearing
Music Box
Girl from cupboard
Girl crawling up the stairs
Shadow type bussing
Crawling from under bed
Rattling tea set
Dolls head moved
Dolls/teddies hung
Reaction shots, screaming
Dragged under bed
Burnt bear
Girl from dark
Dripping tap
Girl in corner/ dark

Poster Analysis: Friday the 13th

- The key image is set in the woods with the villain in the centre of the poster. The camera angle is slightly low so that the villain is emphasised as a high authority and intimidating to us. The fog and crowded trees around him communicates the stereotypical view of a horror film. The fact that you cannot see his face completely because he is standing away from the light gives us the impression that no one knows who he is, and that mask that he wears again hides his identity, cutting off any relation we might have to him, and any emotion we could have been able to see.

-The title is placed at the bottom of the poster in red lettering, this relates to the ideas of red being a sign of danger and blood. The word “Friday” and the letter “13th” is put in bold so that it is emphasised to us, giving us the impression that this day and date is important to the film.

-The tagline is placed at the top “welcome to crystal lake” allowing us to connect this man to an isolated place in the woods. The fact that this man is stood in front of water also allows us to connect the tagline and the key image together and give us the impression that coming to this lake will introduce you to this man.

-The credit block and the studio and distributors logos are placed at the bottom of the film poster.

Bleak Hill Lane Script:

Exterior, establishting shot of woods panning into a car at dusk with three teenage girls in the car, listening to the radio and talking. Exterior shot of car stepping and girls getting out still talking. Shot of girl who was driving opening the boot and getting alcohol. Long shot of girls walking out into the woods messing around and drinking. Time passes and they get in the car to go home (montage.)Interior shot of girls in car, car doesn't start.Exterior shot of girls getting back out of the car, finds house, camera follows girls as they find a way into the house.

Emily:Did you hear about Lisa at Jo's party?
Saphie:Yeah she got with that guy Matt didn't she?
Emily: In Jo's mum's bed!!
Georgia: OMG! NO WAY!
Saphie: That's so wrong
Georgia: Yeah, but I heard that someone in this car got a bit busy themselves at the party.
*everyone looks at Saphie, Spahie blushes*
Emily: You didn't!

Exploring House:

Interior shot, inside house, starts to explore, long shot.Checks phone.Walks up th stairs long shot. Long shot, panning into door, tries to open it. Emily ducks and looks under the door and sees footsteps from the crack, close up on crack. Stand back up, pans up the door. Close up on keyhole, eye seen through. Mid-shot, jump backwards.

Saphie: Hello???
Emily: The phone's dead
Saphie: Hello?
Georgia: I think the house is empty.


Flash back:

Interior- bedroom. Close-up on hand taking the teddy from the bed. Flash of white (exposure). Fade from white and series of cut. Exterior shot,long shot of girl in dress skipping, long shot of her playig in the park- camera pans with. Close-up of girl over the shoulder playing with the teddy, pan around POV shot of bear, slow motion of bear falling. Cut to long shot of two people standing at a grave. Interior- bedroom, close-up on face: reaction shot, Emily drops teddy.

Mirror bussing:

Long shot of Saphie walking to the covered mirror. Mid shot over the shoulder pulling the sheet off. Looking into mirror, touching her face. Little girl walks past in the mirror *screams*. long shot turning around and little girl not there.

Music Box establishing:

Long shot of the room, close up of girls exploring the room, some POV shots looking in/under things. Close-up focus of music box, girl (teen) walks into the close up and opens music box.

Appearing and disappearing:

Little girl in the corner twitching, long shot. Jump cut, extreme close-up of her face at the camera.

Music Box:

Interior- Living room. Conversation, silence, soudn of music box. Reaction shot, close-up.

Georgia: Looks all we need to do is stick it out for the night.
*music box sound*
Saphie: Shit! What the hell?

Girl from cupboard:

POV shot, complete darkness, diegetic sound of foot steps. Door creaks open slightly leaving a verticle beam of light, focuses and sees girls exploring room.

Girl crawling up the stairs:

Girl crawls backwards, low light, long t mid-shot of girl creeping/crawling up the stairs.

Shadow bussing:

Clear sheet covering something, mid-shot of Georgia walking past. The little girls is standing behind the sheet. Silouette.

Crawling from under the bed:

Establishing shot of girls room, panning in on bed, girl crawls out.

Rattling tea set:

Interior- bedroom. Long shot of tea set on table, starts to rattle.

Dolls head moved:

Dolls sitting on the girls bed. Head moves towards the camera (mid shot).

Dolls/Teddies hung:

Interior- bedroom. Long shot of teddies and dolls with noose around their necks swinging in low light. Hanging from celing.


Close-up of blood dropping into a puddle of blood.

Reaction shots:

Interior shot. Close-up of reaction sock face. On each characters.

Dragged under bed:

Close-up, panning out to a mid/long shot. Emily moving away from the camera, arms streched out nails scratching on the floor. Eyes looking at the camera. Screaming.

Burnt bear:

Interior-Living room. Mid-shot of bear on sofa, suddenly burnt and ragged, back to normal.

Girl from dark:

Long shot, maual focus, girl appears from darkness.

Dripping tap:

Close up on the tap dripping. Slow it down in editing. Shadow on the tap.

Girl from corner in dark:

Mid-shot, camera focuses on dark corner, girl comes into focus.

Risk Assessment:

Safety Measures.
Drive to woods.
Car crash.
Careful driving.
Getting out of car.
Trip/Open door on someone/Tripping over tree branch.
Look where we are going. Mark the route for the actors.
Car doesn’t start.
The car doesn’t actually start.
Call the RAC
Find house
Disturb someone’s house.
Do not trespass.
Exploring house.
Trip over/Break things/Bump into things.
Take away dangerous objects/ Careful when moving around.
Girl under door.
Get a splinter from the wood
Smooth down the door and carpet/floor.
Flash back with teddy.
Girl running around could trip/Strangers in the parks.
Keep and eye on her. Point out dangerous objects so she avoids them.
Mirror bussing.
Mirror could fall and smash.
Keep it safely attached to the wall.
Music box establishing.
Close on your fingers.
Close carefully/Hold open.
Appearing and Disappearing.
Tripping over. Knocks camera.
Be careful. Mark the spots where they are meant to be standing.
Hearing the music box.
Too loud.
Keep and eye on the volume.
Girl from cupboard.
Breaking the camera/ get locked in the cupboard/Sharp objects in cupboard.
Scan the cupboard before filming/Someone monitor the cupboard door/hold onto the camera.
Girl crawling up the stairs.
Objects on the stairs/Tripping down
Scout the route of the stairs/clearing them.
Shadow type bussing
Sheet doesn’t fall down/Suffocation.
Keep the sheet safely attached to something and at a safe distance.
Crawling from under the bed.
Bump your head on the bed. Hitting something underneath the bed.
Clearing under the bed. Show the actor when they need to lift their head.
Rattling tea set
Tea set breaks/Falls over
Secure the tea set/ place it not on an edge.
Dolls head moving
Dolls head falls off and someone trips over it.
Monitor the head and clear the space around. Make sure the dolls head is secure.
Dolls and teddies being hung.
Breaking parts of the toys. Falling on your head
Secure them. Don’t stand underneath them.
Slipping on it. Staining something.
Clear the space around it. Make sure everyone knows its there. Use a substance that doesn’t stain.
Shock face screaming.
Something flies into their mouth
.Call the ambulance. Make sure theirs no flies around. Be health and safety trained.
Dragged under bed.
Splinters. Hitting head.
Clear mat underneath them. Keeping head down.
Burnt bear.
Catching on fire. Burn from touching the bear.
Burn in a controlled environment. Wear gloves when touching the bear.
Girl from dark.
Falling in the dark/Walking into things.
Clear the area. Mark where she needs to go before the light is off.
Dripping tap.
Spill on the floor.
Monitor the tap. Keep towels on the floor around.
Girl in corner/Dark
Hit something in the corner/walk into something.
Clear the space. Scout her route.