Monday, 1 November 2010

Cry Wolf - Theatrical Trailer

Film Report:

Title: Cry Wolf
Year: 2005
Director: Jeff Wadlow
Screenplay: Beau Bauman

Conflict: Trying to spread a rumour to create fear in the school but they start to believe it themselves.

Complications: The rumour is starting to come true and it is happening to the people who started it.

Crisis: They are being attcked by "The Wolf" and no one believes them.

Climax: It is all a big joke and there never was a killer they were playing a trick on the new boy.

Paradigmatic Conventions:
A private school in Virginia, USA.
Props: Computeur, Weapons used in the rumour, Gun.
Characters: Friends (Owen, Dodger, Tom, Mercedes, Regina, Randall and Lewis) The Wolf (Villian)

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